Presidential Candidate Questionnaire

16. True immigration reform requires action by the Federal government. The FOP believes that any legislation reforming our nation’s immigration system must provide for greater security at our nation’s borders, aggressive enforcement of immigration law internally, and enhanced penalties against businesses and individuals that exploit and traffic in illegal laborers. Do you agree? What elements do you see as most important for a comprehensive immigration reform bill and what steps will your Administration undertake to enact reform?

Obama: Over the last two years, my administration has dedicated unprecedented resources to secure our borders, taken important steps to make our interior and worksite enforcement smarter and more effective, and made long-needed improvements to the legal immigration system. These steps have been important, but we cannot solve the problems with our broken immigration system without broad-based legislative changes.

I am committed to working with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform and have reaffirmed my commitment to strengthening our economic competitiveness by creating a legal immigration system that rewards hard work and demands responsibility. I agree that we need a smart, effective system that secures our borders, holds employers accountable, and provides a path to citizenship for those in the United States illegally after they get right with the law by passing a background check, learning English, and paying taxes and fines. I am also committed to passing the DREAM Act, which provides opportunity for responsible, young immigrants who came here through no fault of their own and grew up as Americans to earn their citizenship by serving in the military or going to college.

Romney: I believe we must protect legal immigration by ending illegal immigration. That will require securing the borders with proper resources and a border fence, establishing a national E-Verify system to enable employers to check the work status of those they hire, cracking down on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants, and turning off other “magnets”—such as drivers’ licenses and in-state tuition—that encourage illegal immigration. I believe we must ensure that any reform of our immigration system does not encourage further illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants who apply for legal status should not be given any advantage over those who are following the law and waiting their turn. Illegal immigrants must get in line with those applying legally. We must respect the rule of law and respect those who are waiting patiently to enter the United States through legal channels.

17. The FOP has expressed concern that critics of the decision of the State of Arizona to enact Senate Bill 1070, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, have and continue to state that law enforcement officers will engage in racial profiling despite the fact that this practice is illegal. Law enforcement officers know the meanings of the terms “reasonable suspicion” and “probable cause.” What is your position on local and State enforcement of immigration law, be it State or Federal?

Obama: The Arizona law is a misdirected expression of frustration over our broken immigration system, and it raises serious concerns, especially for civil rights. A patchwork of different state immigration regulations around the country would interfere with the federal government’s responsibility to set and enforce immigration policy. The Supreme Court is reviewing provisions of this law and is expected to issue a final decision on the case this June.

Romney: I support the right of states to craft laws to allow state and local law enforcement to assist in the enforcement of our immigration laws, particularly when the federal government has not adequately dealt with the costs of illegal immigration. As with any laws, such measures should be implemented with care and caution so as not to single out individuals based upon their ethnicity, but I would expect nothing less from the law enforcement officers across the country who serve the public on a daily basis.

18. The FOP strongly supported the REAL ID Act because law enforcement officers need to have confidence that the documents presented to them to establish the identity of a given individual are accurate. Officers rely on these documents during traffic stops and other law enforcement actions to access information related to that individual’s criminal history. As President, will you continue to support it and ensure adequate funding to States for its implementation? Will you pledge to oppose efforts to repeal the law like the “Providing for Additional Security in States’ Identification (PASS ID) Act?”

Obama: I will continue to support states in their efforts to meet the requirements of the REAL ID Act. The deadline for state compliance has been extended from May 11, 2011 to January 15, 2013. This change will give states the time necessary to ensure that driver’s licenses and identification cards meet the security requirements of the REAL ID Act.

Romney: I support efforts to assist the states in improving standards for the issuance of accurate and secure drivers’ licenses and identification cards. Such efforts must be mindful of federalism concerns and not unduly burden state budgets, particularly in this current economic climate. As the Fraternal Order of Police is no doubt aware, many states have resisted implementing REAL ID because of budget and other concerns, including the belief that REAL ID is an unfunded mandate. Proposals like the PASS ID Act have hampered implementation of REAL ID by incentivizing states to delay their compliance with REAL ID in the hope that Congress would change the law, which has not occurred. As president, I would work with the states to find solutions to the problem that appropriately respect federalism principles and provide the necessary funding to implement the goals of REAL ID.

12 thoughts on “Presidential Candidate Questionnaire

Dear Brothers and Siters. We serve the risen Lord. Every decision we make in Law Enforcement is guided or should be guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. When you decide who to vote for, don’t consider wordly things, but consider what is in the bible. Which one of these candidates line up with your Christian views. Who is for for the unborn? I know most Police Officers would prosecute anyone who injures a fetus or kills a little baby. Who supports the rights of a man and woman to marry and concieve children in a natural God given way? What happens to many of the children of blended families, fatherless homes, domestic disputes? As our brother David pointed out, Mr. Obama said the Police Officers “acted stupidly” when they confronted an unidentified tresspasser until proven otherwise. Mr. Obama condemed the latino in Florida who shot a young black male before an investigation was complete. Where is the support for the police officers killed in the line of duty by the thugs and criminals in America? Do any of you know of Mr. Obama coming to the aid of a stricken Law Enforcement family like he did for the above cases I cited along with that college female who needs $3,000 / mth for healthcare so she can have uninterrupted sex while in college?? How about refusing to fight for the christian values? What about not agreeing to meet with the Israel President but appearing on the View and Late SHow? The battle in America is the same on your beat!! It is a battle between “GOOD” and evil. You have the wisdom and power to make a difference! Pray and discern the spirit. God Bless You All!

PrezBO is most assuredly a marxist and socialist. Government dependency for total life sustainability is not the answer, nor any substitute to individual accountability and responsibility. The National FOP lodge needs to be more transparent and informed about labor unions issues by state, rather than lumping altogether issues that don’t necessarily apply in all cases. At least Romney has a proven track record or creating jobs and troubleshooting issues that resulted in success rather than failure. What has the “community organizer” ever done in that regard? Four more years of Obama will further plunder this country into complete financial ruin and ultimately destroy whatever protections we currently have!

I agree with Gary’s assement. I graded the answers as 7 for Obama and 24 for Romney. As Gary stated Obama had some wins early on but failed miserably overall.

I do not understand how one can not take him as a socialist/Marxist whichever term you use but the 2008 election proved millions didn’t see it even though his book and his “we will fundamentally change America” he clearly said so.

Let’s just hope he fails in his bid to get a 2nd term that we can not afford.

As a military veteran and retired Police officer I’ve spent most of my life to serve & protect this country and its people. Your labeling of our President as a Marxist only exhibits your lack of knowledge concerning political views throughout the world. Our Presidend is as Democratic as any other in his views of fairness for the people. Obama 2012.

David is wise to doubt that Obama either likes LE or the FOP, just as he has nothing but contempt for the military. He will say or do anything for votes. I have never seen anyone who can lie so constantly. Don’t be fooled by him, Lorin. And yes – as Joe implies, he is a Marxist.

First, I do respect everyone’s individual opinion. I just wish I could understand how anyone can still believe Obama is in any way good for this great country of ours, much less the law enforcement! Think back at how he has been the first to jump out and publicly question law enforcements actions – such as the arrest of his law professor friend. It is obvious to me that he does not care for or respect law enforcement.
Let’s face it – all of Obama’s records are “sealed” and therefore, we know nothing about him other than the fact that he has more than doubled the nations debt in just three years and that he has done nothing that he said he would do. I am truly worried that if he is re-elected for another term our great country will suffer irreparible damage. He is a great speaker, but look what he has done and/or not done – not what he says! He is one of the best liars I have seen.

I just don’t believe our president genuinely likes Law Enforcement and/or the FOP. If he gets our support, I believe he would simply use this organization strictly as a political tool in his chest, and we would not realize any benefit or support. The FOP and LE overall may not get everything we would like to see take place under Romney, (and he does have his problems), but that would be better than being used or worse. I just cannot vote for or support Obama/Biden.

Mr. Obama has the slick answers, but Mr. Romney has in my opinion even when saying something I disagree with, the most honest answers. Mr. Obama is much more political, saying what we want to hear. Mr. Romney says what he believes.

Your mind is made up and there is no changing it. President Obama will continue to enhance the rights and grouth of the middle class whereas Mr Romney will continue his approach of establishing two classes; the very rich and the very poor. I don’t know many Police officers who are not considered middle class and I can’t believe Romney is going to make them rich. Obama is my choice to protect the rights of the people..

And it appears that your mind is made up as well. I recall being in class when a classmate got upset about comments made about the current president. She stated that she was a staunch member of the President’s political party. I told her that people who set their mind to vote for a label, and do not look at all the options scare me. The same applies here. No matter what happens or is discovered, You will only consider OBama

Excellent set of questions posted by the FOP to the candidates. Obama was able to align more closely with the FOP on a few of the labor related issues at the beginning, but otherwise his answers were largely political fluff. It seemed to me that Romney clearly understood, respected and sympathized more with the general law enforcement perspective and also his views on many of these issues more closely reflect the views shared by most Americans. I was impressed by the candid and pragmatic, yet thoughtful answers he provided.

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