The 61st Biennial National Conference was hosted by Queen City Lodge #69. The host lodge, the city and the entire state did a great job welcoming the National Delegation to their great city.

Lines moved quickly as 3,002 Delegates and Alternates were registered.

Lines moved quickly as 3,002 Delegates and Alternates were registered.

This year’s registration went extremely well, thanks to the National Administrative Staff and the Credential Committee.

The business conducted on the floor in General Sessions is the centerpiece of every conference. All important conference business is directed from this stage, accessible to all those in attendance.

Lieutenant Colonel Paul Humphries, Interim Police Chief for the city of Cincinnati, welcomes the Fraternal Order of Police to Cincinnati.

The Cincinnati Police Department and Hamilton County Deputy Sheriff’s Honor Guards grace the main stage at this year’s conference.

This year’s keynote speaker was former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, who highlighted the important role local and state police play in making our nation safer, and how a cooperative effort between the local, state and national agencies can only strengthen our national security.

National FOP President Chuck Canterbury welcomes former Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to the stage.

Always a moving experience, the conference Memorial Service remembered the Brothers and Sisters in law enforcement who have gone before us.

Classic patrol cars and motors were on display at the conference.

Classic patrol cars and motors were on display at the conference.

The EXPO portion of the conference is a great opportunity for our members and guests to connect with businesses that provide services important to them.

This year’s EXPO boasted 96 vendors from a variety of companies, from universities to companies selling weaponry.

The conference seminars help FOP members further their educations, with 27 seminars offered over three days, including one taught here by Michael Coviello, Associate General Counsel.

After 38 years, the 63rd Biennial National Conference heads back to Nashville. Nashville’s presentation to the delegation was highlighted with an appearance by Trace Adkins.

Delegates spent at least four hours each day listening to reports and speeches from guest speakers, Committee Chairs and the Board of Directors.

Delegates spent at least four hours each day listening to reports and speeches from guest speakers, Committee Chairs and the Board of Directors.

Delegates spent at least four hours each day listening to reports and speeches from guest speakers, Committee Chairs and the Board of Directors.

Members and their families were able to explore the city of Cincinnati during the conference, experiencing great food and attractions, including a trip to the zoo organized by the host lodge.

Pictured here with his family, Danny Overley, member of the Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #86, was honored with the Jack Dudek Member of the Year Award.

The Cincinnati Police Department’s Honor Guard provided a ceremonial touch.

Lodges from around the country were represented.
Check out the Winter FOP Journal for full conference coverage.
Read the full Winter 2013 FOP Journal issue.